Reasons to drink Green Tea

Green tea, known as ‘Lu Cha’ in China, is one of the world’s oldest drinks. Today, 30% of the world’s tea production is green. Did you know that throughout Asia, green tea is by far the most consumed of all teas, and in China alone, more than 500 varieties of green tea are produced every day?

Both green and black tea are made from the Camellia Sinensis plant and both contain antioxidants, but the difference between them is in how they are processed. After picking, black tea is oxidised, which causes the leaves to turn dark brown and leads to a more intense roasted flavour, while green tea does not undergo oxidisation, which leads to its floral, vegetal, nutty flavour.

What makes green tea different to other types of tea?

Black, green, white and oolong teas are all derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant, however they are processed in different ways to create unique flavours. When the tea leaves are removed from the plant, they are immediately dried and steamed to slow down the oxidisation process. Nerada Plantation Director Tony Poyner explains the differences in this short video.


Green tea is not oxidised like black or oolong teas, which allows the leaf to retain its green colour and results in a light-bodied, fragrant drink. This process preserves the tea’s natural polyphenols, and this is important because polyphenols are the most abundant types of antioxidants in the diet.

Why drink green tea?

Green tea makes for a delicious, refreshing alternative to black tea, and there are many reasons to drink it, from morning to night.

  • It goes well with food. With its buttery, grassy flavour, and subtle bitterness, green tea pairs well with savoury foods – think of how green tea is served with Japanese and Chinese cuisine with rice dishes and seafood. Try it as an alcohol-free alternative at dinnertime for Dry January or Dry July or Sober October (or whenever you feel like switching things up!)
  • Green tea contains polyphenols, which are micronutrients we get through plant-based foods and drinks. Polypehnols are important because they have antioxidant properties that protect plants from ultraviolet radiation and pathogens.
  • Serve iced green tea as a sugar-free alternative to fruit juice or soft drink. Simply brew green tea, then strain and chill. Serve over ice with a slice of lemon and few mint leaves for a refreshing summer drink.

When is the best time to drink Green Tea?

Any time of the day! There are no rules about when to drink your green tea and it very much comes down to personal preferences. Many tea lovers start their day with a cup of green tea and others enjoy it as the day draws to an end. Remember that green tea contains caffeine, so for those who are sensitive to caffeine, it may be best to avoid it close to bedtime.

Nerada’s Green Tea range

Nerada has two types of green tea: organic and plantation fresh. Whether you prefer loose-leaf or tea bags, there are plenty of options available.

Our Organics range

For a light-bodied, fragrant green tea, try Nerada Green Tea, available in teabag or loose-leaf format. For extra zing, try our Nerada Green Tea & Ginger. And for an aromatic and refreshing green tea experience, try Nerada Green Tea with Lemon Myrtle.

Interestingly, white tea (also known as silver tips) is also essentially a green tea but the production process uses the buds only, rather than the leaves. Find out more about our Nerada White tea.

Plantation Fresh Green

For an Australian-grown option, choose our loose-leaf Plantation Fresh Green. This comes straight from the Nerada Tea Estate in Malanda, Far North Queensland. Made in small quantities, this can be bought at the tearoom or from our online shop.

Share your green tea pictures with us on Instagram using #NeradaTea.