Social Guidelines

Nerada Tea

Social Media Guidelines

Did you know that Nerada Tea has pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube? We’re always posting snippets about our products, from around the tea factory and visitors centre to these pages, giving you the fresh tips on what’s happening around the Nerada Tea brand!

So if you’re a tea lover looking for inspiration, recipes and fun facts about Nerada Tea, visit our social channels and use #NeradaTea to allow reposting. You’ll also find more information on our product ranges such as our Australian-grown pesticide-free black tea, Fairtrade organic herbal tea range, Fair Trade products and our Rainforest Alliance certification.

We encourage our followers to join in the conversations and share their own stories and experiences with our teas, our people, and our plantation. We also love sharing your photos and reviews with others, so have put together a few guidelines to ensure you know where your stories are being shared.


We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions, and encourage constructive dialogue among followers of Nerada Tea’s official Facebook page. However, we do please ask you to remember that if your contributions don’t comply with Facebook’s Terms, and/or our Facebook guidelines, then we may remove them. If you repeatedly don’t adhere to them, Best’s may block you from posting to the Nerada Tea Facebook page in future.

Whilst we moderate our page, we do hope to create a community with you that is built on respect, therefore we’ve kept it to just four basic rules that we ask you to keep in mind when interacting on our page.

  1. Do not post content, images or links to things which could be considered obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, harassing, overtly sexual, discriminatory or hateful to another person or organisation – including us, our partners, our employees, competitors and other people or organisations.
  2. Do not post any spam related material. No repeat posts or unsolicited ads please.
  3. Keep posts relevant to the Nerada’s page and post only information that is factually accurate.
  4. Please don’t post any of your own or anyone else’s personal information.

While we support open discussion, we reserve the right at our discretion to delete any comments that don’t comply with our rules or which we otherwise think are inappropriate.


If you post a photo to Instagram or Twitter and you tag the photo with #NeradaTea or @NeradaTea, then are you granting Nerada Tea Pty Ltd (ABN: 30 010 456 541) a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, revocable, non-transferable, perpetual licence to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly display and reproduce, your photo, including without limitation, in:

– any online media formats and through any social media channels, pages or accounts; and
– advertising and corporate promotional materials (whether in printed or electronic form), such as brochures, Nerada’s official website and in emails.

Nerada Tea does not claim any ownership rights in photos that are tagged with #NeradaTea or @NeradaTea. You are able to revoke this licence at any time by contacting Nerada in writing at and informing us that you no longer want us to use your photo.

We welcome your feedback and will endeavour to respond to your comments when we can. If you have a question about these guidelines, please contact us via email at