Winter Teas – Discover Something Different

Winter is officially upon us, and now is the perfect time to bunker down at home with a comforting cuppa and a good book or binge-worthy TV series. As the wind-chill factor starts to bite (sometimes a little too hard!), it’s also an opportunity to discover a medley of warming herbal teas and infusions to keep you warm.
There’s a reason why herbs, spices and flowers such as rosehip, lemongrass and ginger have been used over centuries in traditional medicine against against winter’s woes, and at Nerada, we have a selection of delicious and sustaining blends – some familiar, others new to discover – to ease you through these cooler months. Here are three delicious winter-blues busters to try.

Hibiscus & Lemongrass

Hibiscus tea is an important drink in many cultures. In Egypt, it’s tradition to serve hibiscus tea to guests to welcome them into your home, and wedding celebrations are traditionally toasted with a glass of hibiscus tea. In Senegal in West Africa, the dried hibuscis flowers can commonly be found in markets and ‘bissap’ – hibiscus juice – is considered as the country’s ‘national drink’. The pretty crimson infusion is made from the dried calyces of the hibiscus flower and is served both hot and cold. Whether drunk warm as tea or chilled as hibiscus juice, it has a naturally sweet, tart flavour that’s similar to cranberry.

Lemongrass also has long been used as a culinary and medicinal plant in Asia, and its mild citrus notes add a delicacy and warmth to our quality organic herbal blend. Lemongrass contains a high level of antioxidants and vitamins A and C. Nerada’s fragrant Nerada Organic Hibiscus and Lemongrass Infusion has a fragrant sweet-tart flavour, and is delicious served hot or cold.

Rooibos & Vanilla

While many in Australia may not yet have discovered its charms, rooibos is drunk extensively in southern Africa as the brew of choice. The rooibos plant (Aspalathus linearis) is native to South Africa’s Western Cape, and is a member of the legume family. When its reddish leaves are fermented and roasted to be made into tea, rooibos (which translates as ‘red bush’) has a mild, soothing flavour with hints of caramel and vanilla. At Nerada, we’ve ramped up that smooth flavour profile with an extra hint of vanilla. As rooibos contains no caffeine and is very low in tannins, it’s perfect for sipping any time of the day or night, and can be served with or without milk. It is also high in those health heroes, antioxidants, which promote health in our bodies! After your first sip, it’s hard not to get hooked on this warming combination of silky-smooth ‘red bush tea’ and subtle vanilla. A must for winter drinking.

Learn more about our Nerada Organic Rooibos and Vanilla Infusion.

Rosehip, Lemongrass & Ginger

Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that is present in a number of foods and plants, from citrus fruits to rosehip. Vitamin C is water soluble, and the body does not produce or store it. So, to maintain adequate levels of this essential vitamin, people need to consume foods that contain it every day. Rosehip, the fruit of the rose plant, is packed with Vitamin C, as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Used in traditional medicine throughout the ages, rosehip is the star of one of our special organic herbal infusions. With the added warming spiciness of ginger and citrus zing of lemongrass – both of which contain antioxidants – this is a comforting blend, whatever the weather is doing outside. Serve hot without milk, and stir through a teaspoon of honey for a little indulgence.

Try our popular Nerada Rosehip, Lemongrass and Ginger infusion.

So, settle in, put on the kettle and start enjoying the best of winter with a fragrant cup or two of organic herbal infusions that contain an array of nature’s best botanicals. There are plenty to choose from in our extensive range – and that way, you’ll be sure to get the best of all worlds, whatever the weather.